Thursday, 14 May 2015

Still-Life Photography: Food

The first of our mini modules was to go out and buy some food to get images of.  Working in small groups of 3-4 we set off and each bought some fruit and veg. My group set up in the studio with a single light placed behind a glass sheet set upon some trestles.

Compositionally this is my favourite from the shoot. The double glass reflection adds a little bit of drama and the light penetrating through the freshly dissected pepper and lime pieces gives the image some life. If I were to do it again I would perhaps have used either extra lighting from the sides or some bounce cards to more texture to the sides, like what has been achieved with the highlights from the flash across the ridges at the top.

Similarly, this shot could have done with some extra lighting from the sides and front although I feel it works pretty much ok without it. I have noticed there seems to be two divided camps with some prefering to have food and drink looking illuminated and the other where it looks more natural. I'm swinging toward the more natural but I get that it means the images could appear dark. 

The last was a littel hurried and could have had more time spent it. Although as a fine art piece I think it works well being realistic. As a commercial image it would have had to have been presented much better. Any defects wouldn't be allowed if it was used to sell fennel for even Aldi.

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