Friday, 23 January 2015

Portrait Photography: Dog walkers in the Ropner Park

Having not had a much success last time I tried this during the day I decided I should go to a park in Stockton and try and do portraits of people walking their dogs. When i first went out there was a very slight amount of snow in the air,by the time i got to the park there was a good layering of it,the first time it has snowed whilst I have had a camera. I thought it would be best to try and travel light if i was going to be walking around on my own so left the flash at home. Still didnt have a dedicated light meter so opted to carry my camer and transfer the setting across.

Ive managed to get 2 prints that im relatively happy with from the film,I can probabaly get up to the required 6 from it but we dont have any paper left and it seems there could be a wait for a while for it to turn up.

Wide Hassleblad

Contact sheet,not entirely coloured but enough to pick singles

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