Friday, 16 May 2014

Final 5 and Evaluation

Going back to basics and using film again has been quite a challenging but rewarding experience. At first the subject matter of Hartlepool only did, I have to admit seem quite a restrictive area in which we could use to get best use out of the large format camera.

I like the slower pace that affords a much more thoughtful and rewarding experience to the photography process. Its easy to see why it has been labelled in some parts as an old mans way of working (I would not use those words myself) Quite isolating for long periods of time when out on location shooting as much more of the time goes into the thinking about the shot and setting it up compared to say a street photographer. Its quite unsociable in the darkroom where literally hours upon hours must be spent in order to glean even the most modest of results.

Picking a building/subject, which was appealing not just by its aesthetics, is of paramount importance if the images are to convey anything other than just looking pretty. From the various recce trips out it became apparent that the surroundings to the subject would play as much of a role in framing and perspective as any part of the main building. Jackson landings relationship with the other buildings in the marina both now and from when it was first built tell a interesting story of both ambition and business failure. This comes across in the final images I chose.

The water plays a major role in separating the building like an island as if it has been cat of away from its surroundings, I tried to capture this and feel I have succeeded.

 Jacksons Landing 1
Looking on over the water with a union flag wafting in the wind set atop a boat in the marina. The mixed message of  a photo of something that had been around much longer than the Shopping center and will by the looks of things be around much longer.

Jacksons Landing 2
My favourite looking image mostly due to it reminding me of one of my favourite movies as a child, Jaws. Still saying that it tells another story of the relationship between the Marina and Jacksons Landing

Jacksons Landing 3
My first true abstract and minimal photograph from a film camera, Showing a section of the roof and the stays used to keep everything upright during bad weather. The detail of the overgrowth of grass also adds to the narrative of being unkempt.

Jacksons Landing 4
Similar to the minimal lines of 3,4 is like a snapshot of each of the proposed retail units. Now looking a little worse for wear but when this is seen from a distance its still not %100 confirmed that the units are empty, after all it could just be on a day it was closed.

Jacksons Landing 5
The final and most damning to the personality of the Shopping unit. If there were any inclinations that there was any life left in the girl its gone now. Concrete floors and large steel columns are now all that reside inside. Well that and dust and cobwebs. 

Andreas Gursky

Being the creator of the most expensive photograph sold at auction Gursky had already been someone i had looked at in some detail. His work is huge,both physically and in terms of statement. His techniques used to stitch together some parts make them more of composites than straight forward photographs but i think that just add to the amount of work and attention to deatil that goes into each piece.

"Andreas Gursky is a German visual artist known for his large format architecture and landscape color photographs, often employing a high point of view. Visually, Gursky is drawn to large, anonymous, man-made spaces—high-rise facades at night, office lobbies, stock exchanges and the interiors of big box retailers."